
2024年5月15日—Everythingisawell-knownsearchtoolpraisedforitsfastsearchspeedandlowmemoryusage.Itcansearchmillionsoffilesonyourcomputer ...,2021年6月22日—Theevolutionofthisappisincredible,holycow.Ifyoulookatthechangelog,thisguyisacodingrobot.Highlyrecommended.Listaryis ...,2017年11月1日—Onlyifyou'relookingforlotsoffiles.Foropeningasingleknownfile,alauncherlikeListaryorWoXisthesuperioroption.,202...

Best File Search Tools of 2024

2024年5月15日 — Everything is a well-known search tool praised for its fast search speed and low memory usage. It can search millions of files on your computer ...

I developed a modern search application that lets ...

2021年6月22日 — The evolution of this app is incredible, holy cow. If you look at the changelog, this guy is a coding robot. Highly recommended. Listary is ...

[Windows] Any recommendations for a file search software ...

2017年11月1日 — Only if you're looking for lots of files. For opening a single known file, a launcher like Listary or WoX is the superior option.

Search-tool (like Everything

2020年8月10日 — I am just looking at alternatives at the AlternativeTo-website. So far, Ultrasearch seems to be the closest alternative to Everthing, but does ...

Best Windows productivity app ( Listary vs Ueli vs Fluent ...

2021年6月9日 — But Ueli & Listary both have more advanced calculators allowing you do use trig and exponential functions quickly. Ueli has a colour preview and ...

Software that changed your (digital) life 2022

2022年1月6日 — I have installed a ton of apps I could recommend here, but Listary is at the top. ... everything available from everywhere. It may be old ...

Fluent search vs Flow launcher , which one do you prefer ? ...

2023年3月31日 — Another good one is Listary. PS: If you use Powertoys Run, I encourage you to test one of the above tool, because it is every way better.

Which software tool have you found most impactful in your ...

2024年3月18日 — Listary - I found this pretty fast than Everything and it can do a lot more stuff than just searching your files. Capture2Text - it can OCR and ...

(Very basic) Personal comparison of a few launchy apps ...

2021年1月19日 — Wox is fast and good from the start, integrates Everything(R) as you 'd expect. Very obsolete plugins. Hard to justify its use nowadays. Listary ...

Looking for a modern looking, lightning fast file searcher ...

2021年7月2日 — I've already tried fluent search, flow launcher, everything, keypiranha and listary. Personally, I found Fluent Search has the best look and ...